Past NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Awards

2018 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference

  • Best poster award: Panidi, K., Vorobyeva, A., Feurra, M., Klucharev, V. Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the right DLPFC modulates risk aversion but not probability weighting
  • Best paper award – Runner-up: Felfeli, J., Achtziger, A. Confidence judgment in own skills: the effects of gender and incentives
  • Best paper award – Winner: Beharelle, A. R. The role of pre-stimulus arousal in exploration-exploitation tradeoffs

2019 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference

  • Best paper award – Runner-up: Mandolfo, M., Bettiga, D., Lolatto, R., Reali, P. Would you bet on your physiological response? An analysis of the physiological and behavioral characteristics of online electronic gaming machines players
  • Best paper award – Winner: Gaczek, P., Szymkowiak A. When emotional arousal limits willingnes to buy: the interaction of processing fluency and visual content

2020 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference

  • Best paper award – Runner-up: Mandolfo, M., Lolatto, R., Lamberti, L. See me, feel me, impulse buy me. An analysis of physiological and behavioural responses to unplanned and impulsive online purchases
  • Best paper award – Winner: Grabe, L., Syrek, C., Weber, B., Schultz, J. Perceiving artificial intelligence – the influence of anthropomorphism on altruistic punishment and trust in economic games

2021 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference

  • Best paper award – Runner-up: Ambuehl, S., Ockenfels, A., Stewart, C. Who opts in?
  • Best paper award – Winner: Mueller-Pinzler, L., Czekalla, N., Mayer, A. V., Schröder, A., Stolz, D. S., Paulus, F., Krach, S. Biases in self-related belief formation and their association with self-conscious affect

2022 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference

  • Best poster award: Fattobene, L., Ceravolo, M. G., Farina, V., Filotto, U., Leonelli, L. Visual attention mechanisms of borrowing decisions and the influence of human or algorithm advice
  • Best paper award: Casado-Aranda, L. A., Sánchez-Fernández, J., Porcu, L. Neural mechanisms underlying memory formation towards tailored and untailored communications

2023 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference

  • Best poster award: Javaheri, N., Doehring, N., Erhard, P., Fehr, T., Herrmann, M. Nudging dietary decisions with the nutri-score: a behavioral pilot study of an fMRI study
  • Best paper award – Runner-up: Diaz Gutierrez, P., Boone, C., Vyas, H., Declerck, C. H. Neural asymmetry underlies alignment with generous and selfish descriptive norms during charitable donations
  • Best paper award – Winner: Bigne, E., Ruiz-Mafe, C., Currás-Pérez, R. Experiencing Egypt tombs from home: a neurophysiological study of virtual reality

2024 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference

  • Best poster award: Díaz-Gutiérrez, P., Boone, C., Declerck, C. OT shapes heuristic information-processing to solve coordination problems
  • Best paper award – Runner-up: Hernández-Vergara, N. M., Casado-Aranda, L. A., Sánchez-Fernández, J. Influencers vs. Experts: The power of source in the promotion of healthy habits through an fMRI study
  • Best paper award – Winner: Marques dos Santos, J. P., Marques dos Santos, J. D. Exploring the brain paths of brand perception with fMRI and xAI (Explainable Artificial Intelligence)