2005 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference
Date: July 4-5, 2005
Place: Muenster, Germany (Tryp Kongresshotel)
The first conference had the theme “Marketing, Psychology, and Neuroscience”.
08:00 AM: Registration
09:00 AM: Welcome from the editors
09:30 AM: Key Note Speech
Haeusel, Hans-Georg
gruppe nymphenburg
“Limbic maps”
10:00 AM: Coffee Break
10:15 AM: Session 1
Buettner, Oliver B.
Universitaet Goettingen
“Trust in e-health-offers”
Groeppel-Klein, Andrea
Europa-Universitaet Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
“Arousal, Archetypes and Advertising”
11:30 AM: Session 2
Weis, Susanne/Hoppe, Christian/Weber, Bernd/Baumann, Axel/Fernández,
Guillén/Elger, Christian E.
“Why are celebrities so useful for commercial advertisements? – an fMRI study”
12:45 PM: Lunch
01:45 PM: Luncheon Speech
Henschel, Helmut
02:30 PM: Session 3
Gutjahr, Gert
Institut fuer Marktpsychologie (IFM), Mannheim
03:45 PM: Coffee Break
04:00 PM: Session 4
Neumaier, Maria/Schaefer, Florian
Bergische Universitaet-GH Wuppertal
“Trust and Decision Making”
05:30 PM: Summary